Wall Paintings


Berlin, Germany, 2008

In the entrance area of the newly extended Nelson Mandela School, the artist Susanne Montoro sprayed the portrait of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela in impressionistic style. The two “kissing walls” designed by the architect were optically fused through writing and portrait using the airbrush technique.

Press release 08.10.2008

More informations: Ergänzungsbau der Nelson Mandela Schule – Berlin.de

→ Nelson Mandela School, press text

ADC-SUMMIT 2010 | Art Directors Club for Germany

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Event: The Clash of Creative Culture

The theme of the congress is The Clash of Creative Culture. This comprehensive event offers an exciting program with an exhibition, congress and ADC Awards Show.

For the first time in many years, the creative meeting did not take place in Berlin but in Frankfurt/ Main. In the Green Towers of the DEUTSCHE BANK, S. Montoro designed a wall for the sector Architecture.

The best creations from advertising, digital media, film, typography, illustration, photography, dialog marketing/ promotion/ media, design, editorial, text, spatial productions, craft and communication as a whole were awarded with the golden, silver and bronze nails.

Underwater world

Staircase wall design

Tony’s Pizzeria & Ristorante